Romans 10:13-14 

"For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?"



Calmed by Christ's aim is to make the Bible and its message open and accessible. Not only here in America but to everyone across the world. We accomplish this by generating new and vibrant material that deconstructs biblical themes that the modern world struggles to overcome. What began in 2018 rapidly became an outlet as well as an opportunity for individuals to learn and grow as a community in Christ. We do a lot here, from producing bedtime-themed spiritual music to help with relaxation and prayer, to offering in-depth bible study guides and literary critiques of Bible texts. 

We provide weekly seminars that range from discussing modern-day issues to single parenting in low-income homes, all taught by someone who has conquered these challenging but very real-world situations. All of them are Christ-centered and completely free. We provide weekly podcasts and lectures, and we even have a blog about what it means to be a Christian in today's world. We hope that the power of Jesus' message will reach people on an individual level as well as foster varied groups of people eager to continue spreading the epic real tale of the Bible.

Calmed by Christ creates content that draws attention to the tough sections of scripture while also assisting you in seeing how it pertains to your everyday life and the world today. Examine our Bible study materials, which are designed to make the Bible more approachable, entertaining, and life-changing for its readers.

So, have a look around and familiarize yourself with everything we have to offer. Check back frequently for changes and new films released both on this platform and on our YouTube channel. We appreciate your presence and thank you for being a member of our family.

Calmed by Christ is a crowdfunded, non-profit organization that creates and offers free videos and Bible-related materials to be used for both personal or for your church or organization, all for free.

Feel free to Click the Videos to watch full-length versions and interact with our online community!

Come find you're Calm 

In Christ

Our 10-hour video series are designed to help you unwind and feel at peace by immersing you in heavenly music and the soothing sounds of nature. Use these videos to keep your mind clear and to find your peace in Christ throughout the day. 


Click the Videos tab to view more & visit us on Youtube by clicking the video below!


From our blog

God is listening: What to do when you feel unheard

Have you ever felt like no one has listened to you? That your voice was unheard and that you could not be heard? If so, you are not alone. We all struggle with the feeling of being ignored, especially by those we consider to be people in power or those who have some kind of influence over our lives.

Bible Study

Upcoming Bible Study: Friday, July 8th, 2022 7pm EST! Live streaming on-site, hit join now to join register for the zoom call or watch live on YouTube.

Find Calm in Christ:

Focus on what You Can Control:
When we’re anxious, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by what we can’t control. Read on to learn how to anchor yourself in Christ and find Peace in any storm.



1385 Pocono Blvd, Mt Pocono, PA 18344

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Phone : + 1 (747)254-2479


Email: Calmedbychrist@gmail.com

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February 2025