How to Find Peace During Times of Crisis
When times of crisis hit, it can be difficult to see how things will ever get better. A good place to turn in times like these is to Christ, the one who promised to be with his followers through their trials and troubles and gave his life so that they could have everlasting peace with him in Heaven. These verses from the Bible can help you find calm in Christ when tragedy strikes close to home or even thousands of miles away from your doorstep.
Step 1) Take a moment
What does a society look like during times of war? In our imaginations, we see news reports about civilians and soldiers fighting for their lives. We see violence and death, chaos and destruction. Whether we’re aware of it or not, these images affect us. They penetrate our thoughts, feelings, and emotions—and can also become embedded into our behaviors. It’s important to take a moment and consider how war impacts us all, especially when we feel powerless to do anything about it. Here are some ideas for finding calm in Christ during times of crisis
Step 2) Write Down Your Thoughts
War is an incredibly trying time for everyone involved. It’s important that you find your own way to bring yourself peace and calm during wartime, whether it’s meditating on God’s word or getting back to nature. These are two ways I do so myself. This may not be how others use their time in similar situations, but I highly encourage you as a Christian to figure out how you can bring yourself comfort amidst terrible conflict and division.
Step 3) What does it mean to break every chain? It means to do away with our old way of life. This goes back to living in faith; if we don’t put our trust in God, he can’t set us free from whatever is holding us back. This can be an addictive behavior (like pornography or drugs), a negative relationship with a family member, poor health, bad finances—anything that’s preventing you from achieving your full potential for Christ. You may not know what your chains are yet, but Jesus died on a cross so that you could have new life. There’s no reason to keep carrying those chains around anymore!
Step 4) Pray Together as a Family
Being together in prayer as a family is an important part of any relationship with God. Even if we have never met before, when we pray together, we feel a common bond and become family. Whether you are praying with your child, partner, or pet, or alone you can use it as an opportunity to be open about what’s going on in your life, express feelings, and connect with God. Lots of people feel close to others after praying, even if you feel your prayers were not answered, they are heard. In my opinion, I think there is a connection here, even more so if you are praying with a spouse. Studies show that when children pray with their parents, they are strengthened. Praying enables children to grasp the concept of faith and to build a more personal relationship with God.
Step 5) What You Can Control
When we’re anxious, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by what we can’t control. Focusing on things you can control—like your thoughts and your actions—can help make sense of a confusing world. For example, if you feel helpless as your country embarks on war, focus on taking care of yourself and those around you. That way, when the enemy comes, you’ll be better equipped to cope and fight him off. God won’t ask how many battles you fought or how many lives you saved; he will ask if you did all that was within your power to do.
Step 6) Read Scripture Aloud
Simply say it out loud, there is power in hearing the spoken word of God. As you read through your bible, speak aloud some verses; this will help you remember what’s important. That said, it will also be engraved in your heart and mind. Giving you peace when times are trying, as you remember the words you said while reading God’s promises. Knowing at any time in any place you can always turn to your heavenly father and find comfort and with peace just around the corner, why are you still here? get your Bible open and start reading out loud today!
Step 7) know your prayers are heard.
Many people turn to God when times are hard. In fact, it is well documented that prayer calms us and helps ease stress. Keep a journal of your favorite calming prayers and refer back to them frequently if you’re feeling stressed or anxious. If you don’t have any personal favorites, do a Google search for peaceful prayers or calming prayers and find some that speak to you. You can also use a mantra—repeating certain words over and over again—to calm yourself down. Choose a mantra that resonates with you. Many refer back to psalm 91 that assures us that God will give us shelter in our times of need. Start repeating your mantra slowly at first until you feel more calm. Gradually increase how fast you say it until you reach a pace where each word flows into the next without hesitation. (Mantras work best when they flow easily.) It may take some practice before saying your mantra quickly feels natural; stick with it! Eventually, you’ll be able to calm yourself by simply repeating your mantra silently in your head. Make sure to choose a calming phrase that works for you. Some mantras might include I am safe, I am loved, I am calm or God is here with me; all is well.The Bible has been used throughout history as a source of strength during times of crisis. Psalm 91 tells us we can trust God and He will protect us from evil and destruction.
Step 8) Watch God Work
Jesus asked us a rather perplexing question, Why do you worry about what you will eat or drink or wear? (Matthew 6:25) Jesus took care of all our needs; we must trust that God will provide. Faith is more than believing in something; it’s actively trusting that something exists. There’s no way we can fully grasp what God has planned for us, but we should be optimistic, not pessimistic, about life. If we put our faith in God, he will take care of us. The Bible tells us that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. (1 John 5:14-15) So pray like you mean it! And remember, Jesus said whatever you ask for in prayer—believe that you have received it and it will be yours! (Mark 11:24).